Digi Dudes
Digi Dudes
Arweinwyr Digidol
At Whitchurch Primary School, we believe it is important for pupils to take ownership of their learning and have greater roles in school decision-making. We provide many opportunities for children to play a role in making the decisions that affect them. We recognise that pupils have logical perspectives and opinions on issues that matter in the classroom, in the school and in the community. We give pupils an active role in influencing decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions. We enabling pupils to participate as active young citizens.
What we do:
As Digi Dudes, we have the following job description…
- To promote the use of Digital Technology to enhance teaching and learning;
- Share our Digital Vision for the school;
- Teach others how to stay safe online;
- Provide training for pupils, teachers and parents;
- Monitor, evaluate and report to Governors, Parents and Pupils on how Digital Technology is used in school;
- Research latest technology and decide what we invest in at Whitchurch Primary School;
- Maintain and update equipment.
Meet our Digi Dudes 2024-2025
Sphero workshop
Meet our Digi Dudes 2023-2024
The Digi Dudes had a wonderful tour of the BBC Studios
The Digi Dudes created Welsh e-books and really enjoyed sharing them with Reception children on World Book Day.
Some of our DigiDudes presenting their Safer Internet Day message.
NCSC Cyber Sprint
Our Digi Dudes thoroughly enjoyed playing the National Cyber Security Centre game ‘Cyber Sprinters’ to help them learn more about cyber safety.
If your child enjoys online games and may want to join in, here is the link:
This terms e- Safety Tips
Our new School e-Safety Poster
The Digi Dudes worked hard to create a new e-Safety poster for the school. They spent time thinking about the key tips all children should know about to stay safe online. They then differentiated their tips 3 ways for each progression step. We held Pupil Voice assemblies to launch our posters and ensure all children understood how to be safe online.
Our new DigiDudes had a great first meeting as we created our Avatars and discussed this week’s National Coding Week.
Please click the icon below to see our Action and Impact 2022-23
Password Safety
Digital Leaders 2022-23
The Digital Leaders visit to the Harry Potter Studios in June 2023.
The Digital Leaders Coding Club
Do you know the importance of keeping your password safe?
Check out the Digital Leaders detailed presentation on the importance of passwords.
Safer Internet Day 2023
Although we focus on Online Safety and Citizenship throughout the year, we also celebrate Safety Internet Day around the school. The Digital Leaders have created presentations based on this years Online Safety mission;
'2023 Mission - Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online'. They will share their work with their peers in assemblies or in class.
National Online Safety
In Whitchurch Primary School, we aim to educate all of our partnerships about Online Safety. Each week, the Digital Leaders choose a digital safety poster from the National Online Safety organisation, in which they feel is relevant and important. We discuss this as a group before sharing on our social media platforms and website.