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Whitchurch Primary School

'Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together'


Our Governing Body

Ein Corff Llywodraethol

Chair of Governors:
Cadeirydd Y Llywodraethwyr:

Mr. Jonathan Morgan

Vice Chair of Governors:

Is-Gadeirydd Y Llywodraethwyr:




  Mrs. Ann Griffin


Community Governors appointed by Governing Body:

Mr. Roger Haigh

Mr. Tony Rayer

Ms. Caroline Robson

Mr. Stuart Scammell


Local Authority Appointed:

Mrs. Nicola Davies

Mr. David Fowkes

Mr. Jonathan Morgan

Mrs. Belinda Moseley

Parent Representatives:

Mr. Stuart McLeese

Dr. Chris North 

Ms. Lucy Pottinger

Ms. Katie Rees 

Ms. Danielle Yarlett


Teacher Representatives:

Mrs. Kelly Watkins

Mrs. Sophie Rowlands


                                             Non-teaching Staff Representative:                                           Mrs. Katie Middleton




Clerk to the Governing Body:

Mrs. Rhian Sydenham

Please click below to see a copy of the Annual Report to Parents:

Role of the Governing Body

Rôl y Corff Llywodraetho

The Governing Body has a responsibility for seeing that the school is run effectively, acting within the framework set by legislation and that the policies of the Local Authority (LA) and the Welsh Government (WG) are adhered to.

The Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body work in a close and balanced partnership to provide the best possible education for the pupils at Whitchurch Primary School.

The full Governing Body meets at least once each term and there are also a number of sub-committees that meet regularly.


What is a Governor? 

A governor is someone who:-

  •  is a volunteer;

  •  cares about learning, teaching and children;

  •  represents people in the local community and the staff of the school;

  •  is part of a team which accepts responsibility for everything a school does;

  •  has time to commit to termly meetings and other occasions when needed;

  •  is willing to learn;

  •  is able to act as a friend who supports and challenges the school by casting a critical eye upon how the school works and the standard it achieves; acts as a link between parents, the local community and the school.

All areas of the school and the local community are represented on the Governing Body and there are different types of Governors:



Elected by parents of registered pupils and must be parents of pupils at the school at the time of their election. Their role is to develop links between the school and parents.



LEA governors are County Councillors or members who have been nominated by Governing Body and confirmed by the County Council at their Cabinet meeting.



Elected by and from the teaching and non-teaching staff at the school.



A person appointed by the Governing Body. When deciding who to appoint we aim to ensure that the Governing Body reflects a balance of skills, experience and interests.

The Governing Body also includes the Headteacher and a Clerk to the Governing Body who also works for the Local Authority. All Governors are appointed for a period of four years.


What do school governors do?

  • Work with the headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to determine the overall direction, aims, policies and priorities of the school through involvement in the School Self Evaluation, School Improvement Plan and renewal and approval of statutory policies and documents;

  • Monitor the performance of the school and ensure a strategic and systematic approach is in place to promote high standards of educational achievement, attendance and behaviour, including the rigorous review of published performance data;

  • Act as a “critical friend” setting targets by which progress for pupil achievement can be measured;

  • Ensure that all learners have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and that all statutory requirements are met;

  • Determine and monitor the school budget;

  • Decide the number of staff and involvement in all staffing processes including pay, staff appointments, performance management, suspension, disciplinary issues and dismissal, grievances;

  • Provide parents with information through the Annual Report to Parents, School Prospectus and meetings requested by parents;

  • Produce an action plan and monitor progress following an Estyn Inspection;

  • Look after the well-being and safeguarding of learners including the promotion of Healthy Eating;

  • Have awareness of their responsibilities in equality matters and where to seek advice;

  • Undertake evaluation of the Governing Body’s own performance as and when required.