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Important Notice

Whitchurch Primary School home page


Whitchurch Primary School

'Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together'

School Meals

Cardiff Council schools serve a balanced 2 course meal and a cold drink.  All children from Reception to Year 6 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. 


Our menu operates on a two week cycle to ensure that children receive a varied diet, and there is a vegetarian choice available each day.  




Ordering your child's meal

All meal choices are made online via the ParentPay website.  All parents will receive login details and information on how to register once your child has been admitted to the school.


Parents must select meals in advance to ensure that their child receives the meal of his or her choice.


We are delighted that our school kitchen has been awarded Hygiene Rating 5.



Free School Meals:

Primary and secondary school pupils are eligible for free school meals if their family receives:

  • Income Support
  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance
  • Income Based Job Seekers' Allowance
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit, or
  • Child Tax Credit with an income less than £16,190
  • Universal Credit if the net household earnings are less than £7,400


Families who get Working Tax Credit do not qualify.


Once you submit an application, you will be notified in writing of the outcome.


Free school meals are awarded to each child separately, and not to the household, so you will need to complete a new application form if you have another child starting school for the first time.


If you think that your child or children might qualify for free school meals, you must apply.  Please see the contact details below, or apply online via the Cardiff County Council website: 


Benefits Section
PO Box 6000
CF11 0WZ

Tel: 029 20872873




Some information on healthy lunchboxes.

Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative:

Breakfast has long been recognised as the most important meal of the day and evidence suggests that children who have the opportunity to eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast prior to the start of the school day are more likely to achieve their full potential.

The Welsh Assembly Government Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative gives children in primary schools in Wales the opportunity to have a free, healthy breakfast in school each day. For further information about our Breakfast Club please contact our administration team:



Please click on the link below to download a registration form for the Welsh Government Breakfast Club: