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Whitchurch Primary School home page


Whitchurch Primary School

'Work Together, Play Together, Succeed Together'

Woodpeckers Wrap Around Care

Welcome to Woodpeckers
Croeso i Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers is a Breakfast, After-School, and Holiday Club providing full wrap around child care for the school day and full day care in most school holidays.

We are a registered provision under the Care Inspectorate for Wales.  All children must be registered to attend any part of the club.  Parents/Carers will need to complete registration and contract forms before their child is able to attend the club.


Woodpeckers Breakfast Club - 7:45am - 9am - £3.80 per child per session (early breakfast)



Woodpeckers After-School Club 3:15pm - 6pm - £10.50 per child per session


Woodpeckers Holiday Club (half day) 8am - 1pm or 1pm - 6pm £18.00 per child per session

Woodpeckers Holiday Club (full day)  8am - 6pm - £35.00 per child per session



Sian Burnett

Out of School Manager

Whitchurch Primary School

Erw Las


Cardiff / Caerdydd
CF14 1NL


E-mail :


Telephone: 07786908242 (after 2pm)

Woodpeckers Contact Form

You are welcome to use this form to contact Woodpeckers with any further questions that you may have. We look forward to hearing from you. Edrychwn ymlaen at glywed gennych.

Woodpeckers Food Hygiene Rating

Thank you for visiting
Woodpeckers webpage.

Diolch am ymweld â thudalen we Woodpeckers.